BSA Troop 1995
About Us

About Us

Founded in 2002, Troop 1995 is a relatively small troop made up of about 30 scouts.

We are sponsored by American Legion Post 1995 and meet every Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:30 at

Deer Park Elementary School

You can also view our activity calendar here

How can I learn more about your troop?

Our meetings are always open to visitors. You can also download our brochure here.

How many scouts are in your Troop?

Between 18 to 30 and we are currently at 27.

What is the age range of your scouts?

Our range is 11 thru 17, with 15 being ages 14 or younger.

Are you scout-led?

Yes, we are scout lead.

Do you have a girls troop?

Yes. 1995-G started in 2023 and is already going strong.

How many patrols do you have?

Currently, we have 3 patrols, 2 Traditional and 1 new scout patrol. The new scout patrol is led by a Patrol Leader and is assigned a Troop Guide for the first 6 months while they get acclimated to the patrol method and are taught many of the requirements they will need to earn ranks Scout thru First Class. At the 6 month mark, the New Scout Patrol will disband and be joined with the traditional patrols.

Does the troop car camp or hike camp?

The troop decides that. Historically we have car camped simply because that is what everyone has wanted to do, but if a scout wants to try hike camping we typically find an opportunity.

How do you decide what to do?

The troop does a survey in April or May and identifies what they would like to do as a troop.

The survey is anonymous, so nobody gets picked on. The data is then collected and consolidated by an adult leader who will then create a report for the Leadership to use in planning their calendar.

How often do you camp?

We try to camp at least once a month.

What kind of Community Services do you do?

Our biggest thing that we do every year is Scouting For Food which takes up two Saturdays in November. We also try to do a flag retirement with our sponsor, the American Legion Post 1995. We have also been participating at Wreaths Across America over the past several years. Other than that we take opportunities where they present themselves.

What kind of activities does the troop like to do?

Historically we camp, fish and cook, but as new ideas come in we try new things all the time.

What Merit Badges will be worked on?

When the leadership team puts together the annual calendar they look to see what merit badges everyone needs and we try to set up the calendar to get those merit badges first. We also have to look at who needs these merit badges and how fast they need them (some may be eagle required and we may have a 17-year-old Eagle.)

If I come to your troop will I make Eagle?

Only if you want to! We will definitely give you the opportunity and encouragement, but you have to do the work. Here is a FUN FACT about our troop: From 2018 to 2023, out of the 47 scouts that made it to First Class:
2 Transferred (4%)
3 Quit (6%)
27 Still Active and Ranking Up (58%)
15 are Eagle Scouts (32%)!

That means there is a potential for 90% of the group making it to Eagle!

How much fun does your troop have?

We have a lot of fun, even when we are working we are usually having fun.

What if I don’t like to camp?

Again it is up to you as to what you do, but many scouts will tell you, some of the best times we have had were while we were camping.

I have food allergies, what would the troop do?

We try to meet everyone’s dietary restrictions when we plan out meals.